Central Equatoria Business Union

Anti corruption policy

1. Introduction
The Anti-Corruption Policy for the Central Equatoria Business Union (CEBU) is a
commitment to uphold ethical business practices and maintain a zero-tolerance
approach towards corruption in any form. This policy aims to establish a culture of
integrity, transparency, and accountability among all members of the CEBU.

2. Objective
The objective of this policy is to prevent, detect, and respond to corruption, thereby
ensuring the integrity and reputation of the businesses within the CEBU and
contributing to the overall economic development of South Sudan.

3. Principles
The following principles underpin this policy:

• Zero Tolerance: CEBU has a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption in any form.

• Transparency: CEBU promotes transparency in all business dealings.

• Accountability: CEBU members are accountable for their actions and decisions.

• Integrity: CEBU members are expected to conduct their businesses with utmost

4. Policy Guidelines

• Corruption Prevention: CEBU will implement measures to prevent corruption, including risk assessments, internal controls, and regular audits.

• Detection and Reporting: CEBU will establish mechanisms for detecting and
reporting corruption, including a confidential whistleblower system.

• Investigation and Response: CEBU will ensure that all reports of corruption are
thoroughly investigated and appropriate actions are taken against those found guilty.

• Training and Awareness: CEBU will provide regular training and awareness
sessions to its members on the importance of anti-corruption measures and the
consequences of corrupt practices.

5. Implementation

• Anti-Corruption Committee: An Anti-Corruption Committee will be established to
oversee the implementation of this policy. The committee will be responsible for
promoting anti-corruption measures, managing the whistleblower system, and
conducting investigations. • Compliance Officer: A Compliance Officer will be appointed to ensure that all
CEBU members comply with this policy.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation
The Anti-Corruption Committee will monitor and evaluate the implementation of this
policy on a regular basis. The committee will review the effectiveness of the policy in
preventing, detecting, and responding to corruption and make necessary adjustments
to enhance its impact.

7. Review
This policy will be reviewed every two years to ensure its continued relevance and
effectiveness in combating corruption within the CEBU.

8. Conclusion
Through this Anti-Corruption Policy, CEBU is committed to maintaining the highest
standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability, thereby contributing to the
overall economic development of South